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A Trip to Indonesia With Travel Blogger Wanderlust Chloe

8th July 2021

Top UK travel blogger and content creator Wanderlust Chloe recently turned her stunning photos from a memorable trip to Indonesia into a CEWE PHOTOBOOK in partnership with Wanderlust Magazine. As an avid traveller who has spent the last five years prior to the pandemic travelling the globe, creating inspiring content for her travel blog, Chloe is rarely seen without her camera in her hand! We had the opportunity to ask her a few questions about her photography, travels and experience creating her travel photography book.

Wanderlust Chloe
Wanderlust Chloe

Despite not being interested in photography until she started travelling, Chloe’s passion in travel photography is clearly visible in the beautiful shots she captures.

“Not only did I want to capture photos of special places and moments so that I could look back in years to come, I also wanted to be able to show them to friends and family when I told them about my adventures. Once I launched my travel blog, I also realised how important it was to have great photos. They were a key element in inspiring others to follow in my footsteps. I learned the basics and have been improving my photography and editing skills ever since. It’s definitely an ongoing process!”

In her five years of travel, is safe to say Chloe can’t pick just one particular favourite photo she’s captured! However, some of her favourite photos are from Indonesia and Costa Rica; two magical countries with diverse landscapes, culture and wildlife. Her visit to the Raja Ampat archipelago in Indonesia particularly stands out to her: “It was so stunningly beautiful. It’s the kind of place it’s hard to take a bad photo!”

One of her top photography tips is to remember to keep the horizon straight. “It sounds so basic, but I see so many snaps of the sea going off at an angle!” She also highlighted that you don’t need the most expensive gear to take great photos – some of her favourite shots were taken from her phone as it was all she was carrying at the time.

She also expresses that even if you’re not happy with the photos you’ve taken and you can spot some issues with it, don’t fret! She says, “There are some amazing photo editing apps around these days. I love using Snapseed, a phone app which is totally free. You can straighten images, change the saturation and contrast and all sorts of other things.”

I love documenting my trips through photography. I sometimes look back at photos from when I started my travel blog and can’t believe how many special moments I’ve forgotten. The way a photo can transport you right back to where you were, how you were feeling, the sights, the smells, the emotions – it’s incredible

Wanderlust Chloe

CEWE PHOTOBOOK by Wanderlust Chloe

Go on an adventure to Indonesia with Wanderlust Chloe as she walks you through her beautiful CEWE PHOTOBOOK. “It was lovely to reflect on past adventures and relive special moments such as climbing Mount Batur in Indonesia and snorkelling in Raja Ampat. The moments have passed but the memories will live on forever in my lovely photo book!”

In partnership with Wanderlust Magazine, you can watch her video about her CEWE PHOTOBOOK below and listen to her incredible experience travelling through Indonesia.

For more inspirational travel content, check out Wanderlust Chloe’s blog and follow her on Instagram @WanderlustChloe.

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