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00 44 330 912 2113

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Our Returns Policy

100% Satisfaction Guarantee. It’s simple – we want you to love our products!

All CEWE products, up to a quantity of 5, are covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This means if you are not 100% happy with your product for any reason, you can return it to us within 14 days of receipt for investigation and we will discuss the appropriate course of action to resolve this for you.

Please contact Customer Care for details of our free, quick and easy returns process.

Telephone: 00 44 330 912 2113 - calls are charged at the standard national rate.

Email: info@cewe.ie

Mail: Online Photo Service, c/o Royal Mail, IBRS/CCRI Numéro 3016, 3109 VA, SCHIEDAM, THE NETHERLANDS