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Turn a PDF into a Professionally Printed Photo Book

Use Adobe® InDesign® To Create a Photo Album

Use Adobe® InDesign® to design and edit your photo book. We make it easy to then take your saved PDF and turn it into a beautifully printed photo book on a choice of photographic papers, in a range of formats and sizes.

For Macintosh and Windows

Our User Guide contains lots of useful information to get you started.


5 steps to create a photo album from a PDF

1. Download the Windows CEWE PHOTOBOOK Template Generator for Adobe® InDesign® Our CEWE PHOTOBOOK Template Generator is free to download and easy to use.

2. Open the Template Generator Open the Template Generator and select your preferred CEWE PHOTOBOOK options, such as size, format, and paper types before you get started.

3. Enjoy the Freedom to Design Use the Template Generator and Adobe® InDesign® together to ensure your finished CEWE PHOTOBOOK will be true to your design.

4. Create A PDF Easily export all of your finished designs, including the cover and inside pages. For optimal results, use the export PDF specifications detailed in our user guide.

5. Upload Your PDF Upload your PDF files to the Online Photo Book Builder. Your work will conveniently be converted, ready to print.

Why Create a Photo Book as a PDF?

There are many benefits to creating your photo book design as a PDF. Our Creator Software is intuitive and full of design features. However, those with a background and experience in design and photography could benefit from utilising a professional tool like Adobe® InDesign®. You’ll be able to make the most of your photos quality and put your unique style into each and every page, while still being able to benefit from our award-winning print quality.

Download for Macintosh and Windows

When your files are ready, go to the PDF upload area below.