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Contact us
00 44 330 912 2113

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When you log out, all unsaved projects and your shopping cart will be deleted for security reasons.

Contact Us

We have a dedicated Customer Service team who can help you and we’re available from 8am to 10pm. If your query is related to an order, please have your order number and account user ID at hand or include it when contacting in writing or by email. You can find your unique 10-digit personal identification number at the top of your order/account related emails or in the My Account section. This must be provided prior to the release of any order or account-related data.

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Choose from one of the following methods for assistance with your enquiries:

Online Chat is the easiest way to get in touch with us. Just click here to be connected.

Phone: 00 44 330 912 2113 (calls are charged at the standard national rate)

Email: Please email us at info@cewe.ie or click here to complete the contact form. Please note, if you are sending files via email, we cannot accept attachments totalling over 10MB. Please split attachments into multiple emails if it exceeds this limit. Once your email is successfully received, you will receive an auto response with an estimated response time.

Post: Online Photo Service, c/o An Post, IBRS/CCRI Numéro 3016, 3109 VA, SCHIEDAM, THE NETHERLANDS

Orders can be tracked online using your order number, please leave 2 hours from placing an order before using this service. Information regarding delivery times can be found on each product page or on our delivery information page.

Note: If you have received an order confirmation email, we have your order and it is now being processed. If you do not appear to have received this email, please check your spam folder

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