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Wedding Crafting: Make a Honeymoon Fund Money Box

4th August 2016

If you’re getting married this summer or you’ve been roped into helping organise a friend’s big day, you’ll love this DIY money box for the honeymoon fund. All you need is a photo of the happy couple, a deep frame and a little bit of craftiness to create a place to collect all those generous contributions to your post-wedding holiday!

Make a Honeymoon Fund Money Box

What You’ll Need

A photo of the happy couple A deep frame A small craft saw Glitter, card, paint and gold marker pen for decoration

How It’s Made

Firstly, cut a slot in the top of the frame where money can be posted. A small craft saw should do the trick. Then take your frame and paint it to match the colour scheme of the wedding.

Inside the frame, use coloured card as a mount, then add the photo and other decorative effects like glitter. Finally, use a gold marker pen to write on the front – the bride and groom’s initials would make a nice touch.

There you have it, a honeymoon fund money box that will look right at home on any wedding present table. This will also make a wonderful memento alongside wedding photo books and guestbooks.

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