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What to write in a wedding card

30th October 2024

Weddings are full of emotions. So if you’re lucky enough to be invited to a happy couple’s big day, the message you write in their wedding card should reflect your feelings and memories. Similarly, after your own wedding, you want to send ‘thank you’ cards to your guests and loved ones that are meaningful and special.

Capturing all your gratitude, happiness and love in a note short enough to fit in a card can be tricky. Whether you want to sum up many years of memories or say something genuine and personal, we’ve got some ideas on messages to write in a wedding card.

What do you write in a wedding card?

The message you write in a wedding card will change depending on your relationship with the newly married couple. For example, if you’re an evening guest at a colleague’s big day, you’ll write something different from when you’re a maid-of-honour at your sister’s wedding. However, there are a few general tips you can follow to make sure you’re hitting the right tone:

  • Keep it warm and positive on the happiest day of their lives. Avoid using sarcasm or jokes that might upset them (such as comments about previous partners or embarrassing moments)
  • Congratulate the couple on their happiness and thank them for involving you in their celebrations. This is polite and a good starting point even for the most formal messages
  • Use memories and nicknames if appropriate. These add a personal tone to your message and make it extra special
  • Pencil a few ideas first before you write the card. Particularly if the note is for a close loved one, you might have lots of memories and feelings you want to include. Scribbling these down will help you select the best ones for your final message
  • Address the partners by their new married title (check if there’s a double-barrel) and spell their names correctly. As it’s likely the couple won’t get time to open their cards till after the wedding when they’ll already by Mr & Mr, Mrs & Mrs, or Mr & Mrs
  • Give yourself plenty of time to write. Especially if you’re not attending the wedding and need to post your card in time for the big event. It’ll also give you a chance to carefully craft your message

Keeping these tips in mind will help you avoid a faux pas. If you’re still struggling with blank page fear, there are some ideas to kickstart your writing below.

Thank your wedding guests with a personal note

Simple messages to write in a wedding card

Keeping wedding card messages short and sweet is a good rule of thumb. If you aren’t particularly close to the couple (for example, if you’re their colleague) but still want to send your congratulations, then striking a formal yet positive tone is best.

  • All the best wishes to you both on your special day.
  • Congratulations on your big day. Wishing you many years of happiness together.
  • Thank you for sharing the best day of your life (so far) with us. May the years ahead be full of fun and laughter.
  • Congrats on the start of your new life together. We’re so grateful to be celebrating it with you.
  • Happy Wedding Day! Sending all our love and best wishes as you start this amazing journey.

Funny things to write in a wedding card

Humour should be used with caution in a wedding card. Though you might be tempted to include in-jokes and funny anecdotes, make sure they leave the overall tone of your message feeling positive. You don’t want to bring up memories your loved one would rather forget on their big day. That said, there are lots of ways to include a relaxed and laugh-out-loud tone.

  • Cheers for inviting us to your party. Oh, and all that marriage stuff too!
  • I called it! Just saying. So pleased to share the start of your ‘happily-ever-after’.
  • Here’s to one of the most stressful days of your life. Oh, and happiest, obviously.
  • We wanted to share our best marriage advice on your special day. So here it is: “Never laugh at your spouse’s choices. You’re one of them.”
  • Wishing you many years of taking the mickey, fighting over the dishwasher and annoying the hell out of each other.

To leave the message on a happy note, you might want to follow up with a note of thanks and congratulations. This will stop your joke from being taken the wrong way!

Heartfelt messages for a wedding card

‘Writing from the heart’ isn’t as easy as you might think. When you read back the first draft of your message, you might feel like it sounds cheesy or over the top. But this shouldn’t stop you from expressing your genuine feelings.

  • I can’t believe the day is finally here! You guys are made for each other and I’m so excited to be celebrating the start of your new life together.
  • Of all the good times we’ve celebrated, I know this one will be the best.
  • Best friends, soulmates and now forever partners. I can’t wait to see what the years ahead hold for you both.
  • Today is the beginning of your happily ever after. May it be a journey full of fun, laughter and love.
  • Marriage isn’t always easy, but I know the love you share will get you through anything.

Messages for when you can’t make a wedding

Turning down a wedding invite is disappointing and difficult for everyone, but your message shouldn’t take away from the couple’s happiness. Make it clear that you’re sad to be missing their big day, but don’t over apologise. Instead, send your best wishes and commit to celebrating with them another time.

  • We’re so sorry to miss your big day, but we’ll be raising a glass to your happiness!
  • All our thoughts and love on your wedding day. Can’t wait to hear all about it soon.
  • We’re really sorry we can’t be there in person, but we’ll be there in spirit!
  • We hope you both have the perfect day - look forward to all the stories and pictures.
  • Enjoy a glass of fizz on us. Cheers to your eternal love and happiness.
Send your guests a ‘Save the date’ card that matches your wedding’s theme

Wedding messages for a friend

You might already be playing a key role in your mate’s big day, but there are some things you can say in a card you might not get to express at their wedding. It also means you can welcome, congratulate and thank your pal’s soon-to-be spouse. Again, if you want to put a joke or anecdote in your card, keep it short and positive.

  • [FRIEND’S NAME], I don’t know how you landed a partner like [PARTNER’S NAME], but I’m really glad you have. Let’s celebrate you punching above your weight!
  • Thank you so much for letting me be part of your big day, I can’t wait. Does this mean we’re real adults now?
  • I wouldn’t give up being your significant other for just anyone. Luckily, you two are made for each other. So happy to have gained another best friend.
  • You’re getting married - let’s party!
  • I don’t know about you, but I feel so much better knowing someone else is there to prop you up after a night out, listen to your rubbish chat and put up with your terrible cooking.

Wedding messages for a relation

Whether your sibling, child or parent is getting married, there’ll be a whole load of emotions you’ll want to express in your message. You might want to write a few drafts before you settle on the final message, but try to keep it as truthful, short and to the point as possible.

  • I’m so proud to have you both in our family. Stay kind to each other, never forget why you first fell in love and keep laughing together.
  • Thank you so much for the happiness you’ve brought my [RELATION]. I wish you both the best for the years ahead.
  • If you can brave a Christmas with our family, then you can cope with anything marriage throws at you. Here’s to enjoying (surviving) many more family occasions together.
  • I can’t believe my little one is getting married. I’m so happy for you both and wish you all the luck, love and happiness for the future.

Writing cards for your own wedding

With CEWE, you can choose from a range of templates to design wedding stationery that reflects you as a couple.

From save the dates to invites, place cards and thank you notes, your wedding stationery needs to reflect your theme, style and personality. Using design templates as a starting point, you can add your own choice of colours, motifs and photos to tailor your cards to your big day.

With folded cards (available in sets of 10) made from high-quality paper, you can choose a preferred format and add special touches like metallic detailing.

Once you’ve designed your cards, you want to include a message that’s equally as personal and meaningful. Sharing important information such as the venue address, date and time, is the most important part of invitations. Though you can include these in your own voice, you have to stick to the facts.

With thank you messages, you have the space to be more personal. This means:

  • Including each of your guests’ names with the correct spelling
  • Saying how special they made your day
  • Thanking them for any gifts they’ve sent. (Keeping a list as you open them will help you be specific about what they gave you and how you’re going to use it in your message)
  • Signing off with good wishes and a promise to catch up soon
A personalised thank you card is a great way to show appreciation to your guests

Alongside the above, handwriting your cards and sending them in good time will give the perfect finishing touch to your special day.

Make your cards more personal

When you’ve put so much effort into your message, you want the wedding card you’re writing it in to be equally as special. Choosing a card made from high-quality paper is a must. So leave plenty of time to browse and find an option that suits the couple’s style and your relationship with them.

If you create a wedding photo book packed with images of your big day, why not turn this into a special memento for your close friends and family? Once you’ve used a template and stunning photos, you can resize it to create a beautiful, quality keepsake that’s the perfect way to say thank you. It’s not just personal, it’s a gift they’ll treasure forever.

More ways to make your wedding special

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