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Beginner's Guide

How to create a personalised calendar in a few easy steps

22nd October 2024

Are you looking to create a Personalised CEWE Photo Calendar? In our CEWE Creator Software we have over 100 design templates to make your journey enjoyable and effortless when designing and ordering a calendar.

Whether you have time to spare or need a quick solution to create a personalised calendar, our design template options offer all the right tools required to create a unique calendar.

In addition, we have also provided a step-by-step tutorial video with all the information you will need when accessing the design options. These tools will help you to become a “pro” at creating your very own customised calendar.

Our Photo Calendars are popular as unique gifts to yourself, your loved ones and even for your work colleagues. They are a great way to document your past year of memories or perhaps a special holiday. For your travel photos, the A3 photo calendar makes the perfect canvas for displaying landscapes and family photos.

If you're after a very practical calendar, we recommend our family photo calendars, which come with a variety of templates with plenty of columns, so you can assign one to each family member, and space to write notes such as appointments and events.

From Desk Calendars to Wall Calendars and everything in between, we have something to suit everyone.