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Life in Colour

CEWE has teamed up with renowned photo restoration artist James Paterson to restore old photos to their former glory for 5 lucky winners.


Our photos are so precious, but time and storage can all take their toll on our most treasured photographic memories.

CEWE has teamed up with renowned photo restoration artist James Paterson to restore old photos to their former glory. We’ve chosen five lucky winners who entered with an image they wanted bringing back to life and now it’s time for you to see the results!

Meet James, our Photo Restoration Artist

Whether it’s an old wedding album that needs a little TLC, or a picture of your family in black and white that can be transformed into colour for the first time, James can take a neglected old image and bring it to life with impressive detail and accuracy. You can have a look at James’ impressive portfolio over Paterson Photos.

Our Life In Colour Gallery

We had hundreds of amazing entries into our Life In Colour competition and were blown away by the response. A big thank you to everyone who shared your precious photographs with us. (We wish we could have restored every single one.)

The gallery below features all the images from our competition winners and bloggers after they’ve been transformed into full colour by James. You’re going to feel like you’ve been transported back in time for a few moments so be prepared to be impressed!

Photo Book Spotlight: ‘Made in Paddington’

“I’m not a professional author, this is just pure fun. It’s a tribute to my grandmother and my grandfather. It’s a love story… it’s a rather lovely love story.”

It never ceases to amaze us how much heart our customers pour into their photo books, and Christopher Muttukumaru is no exception. A London-based retired barrister with a longstanding interest in photography, his book caught our attention with its unusual use of heirloom family photographs.