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Travel Photo Calendar

From ski getaways to safari trips, showcase your holiday photos in a professional quality personalised calendar.

Holiday memories

Holidays go by so quickly. Rather than keeping your pictures on your phone or in a box under the bed, set them free and enjoy them all year long with a beautiful travel calendar. Enjoy a different holiday photo every month or create stunning collages using a selection of your favourites. Choose from a wide range of beautiful templates or design your calendar from scratch, it’s completely up to you! We think you’ll love our bestselling A4 Photo Calendar. Available in six paper types, you can even select portrait or landscape printing and binding.

Explore our Calendar Range

Live well, travel often

If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug and enjoy frequent trips to far flung destinations, why not create a stunning Photo Calendar? Available in popular sizes A5, A4, A3 and A2, our calendars provide the perfect format for displaying your very best, high quality photos. Why not try matching the months you travelled with the month of your calendar for a lovely travel timeline which will remind you of all the wonderful memories you made.

A window into adventure

Brighten up those rainy days at the office with your summer holiday memories. Our Desk Calendar and Square Desk Calendars are perfect for popping next to your computer, won’t take up too much room and don’t require a wall. Enjoy your favourite memories all year round, and even the toughest of work days are guaranteed to be a little bit brighter.

Perfect panoramas

If when you travel, you love to take stunning landscape shots, then the XXL Panoramic Photo Calendar is the ideal format for you. At 62 x 32 cm, you’ll be able to view your favourite photographs in all their glory and give them pride of place in your home.

Making your travel calendar stand out

We’ve put together a few handy tips to help you select the best pictures from your travels. Whether you’ve been on an epic adventure or enjoyed some family time in the sun, make your 2023 travel calendar stand out from the crowd.

Capture the action

Running, jumping, swimming and splashing! Holidays are a fun time for the entire family, so whether you’ve captured your loved one mid bungee jump or the kids playing in the pool, be sure to include those action shots for a month that’s sure to raise a smile.

Be candid

We love the usual posed holiday shots of happy smiles, but try and mix in some lovely candid shots too. Documentary style photography is a great way to capture the moment by showing your loved ones joy in a beautifully authentic way.

Get up close

Don’t immediately dismiss a photo! The CEWE Creator Software makes it easy to zoom in on the important details of your picture, crop out any distractions and straighten it up. You might be surprised by how good your photos can look with just a few simple tweaks.

CEWE Creator Software

The intuitive CEWE Creator Software is full of clever features that makes it simple to create your very own personalised travel calendar. It’s also packed with clip art, backgrounds and templates to help you put your perfect calendar together. Even better, you can really take your time making your clendar – whether that’s a few hours or a few weeks. Simply save your project as you go and when you next open the software, your calendar will be there waiting.

Design your travel calendar

Get inspired to photograph your travels

Check out some of our blog articles for travel photo calendar ideas and inspiration for your next project!

Our Three Favourite Gigapixel Photos – And How to Create Your Own

We like to keep up with the latest in photography trends and techniques, so when we saw a recent gigapixel photo of Shanghai take the internet by storm, we just had to see what all the fuss was about!

Photographing Churches and Cathedrals

For anyone who loves architectural photography, the ornate architecture of churches and cathedrals is the ideal challenge. Because of the added intricacy, ecclesiastical photography often takes on a more complex form than general architecture, but this doesn’t make it more difficult to practice – in fact, quite the opposite.

Our World is Beautiful: The Inspiration Behind the Photo with Shubhodeep Roy

We got in touch with Shubhodeep after his photo ‘Barber Shop’ was selected as one of our three CEWE Photo Award monthly winners for December 2020. When asked about the story behind his image, he told us that it was, in fact, a chance encounter that led him to capture it